Scrumptious baked mac and cheese recipe PT20M Scrumptious baked mac and cheese are delicious, easy to make, trust me! The taste won't let you down! So follow me through the steps of this Scrumptious baked mac and cheese recipe! 6 servings Ingredients: parsley homemade croutons crushed with more mozzarella 2 ounces of parmesan cheese shredded into a sauce about two ounces of mozzarella cheese 3 ounces of sharp shredded cheese 6 ounces of evaporated milk one stick of butter 2 ounces of cream cheese about 8 ounces of Velveeta cheddar cheese corkscrew pasta
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Scrumptious baked mac and cheese recipe

Scrumptious baked mac and cheese are delicious, easy to make, trust me! The taste won't let you down! So follow me through the steps of this Scrumptious baked mac and cheese recipe!
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Scrumptious baked mac and cheese recipe
    01 Information
    • Grade easy
    • Serving 6 servings
    • Prep Time 10 Mins
    • Cook Time 10 Mins
    • Total Time 20 Mins
    02 Ingredients
      • parsley
      • homemade croutons crushed with more mozzarella
      • 2 ounces of parmesan cheese shredded into a sauce
      • about two ounces of mozzarella cheese
      • 3 ounces of sharp shredded cheese
      • 6 ounces of evaporated milk
      • one stick of butter
      • 2 ounces of cream cheese
      • about 8 ounces of Velveeta cheddar cheese
      • corkscrew pasta
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    03 Method
    • Step 1
      Mix all ingredients together, pour into a baking dish and bake at 375℉ for 10-20 minutes, until golden brown.
    • Step 2
      For a Southern twist on your baked mac and cheese, try adding bacon bits.
    04 Author
    Ellie Ellie
    1078 Recipes
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