Easy Homemade Pizza Dough PT80M https://img4.recipesrun.com/201907/2019/1029/84/1/833261/300x200x90.jpg A recipe to make easy homemade pizza dough. Making your own pizza at home is the best. Don’t get me wrong, we love eating out, but it’s the satisfaction of making your own pizza dough and adding any toppings you fancy and saying …yep, I made that! And doesn’t it look good. Using only 5 ingredients and quick to make. Perfect for a Friday night in! This recipe is great since you can save the extra pizza dough balls for a later date. 6 servings Ingredients: 12 oz. cold water 2 oz. olive oil 14 g instant yeast 3/4 tsp. salt 30 oz. white flour
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Easy Homemade Pizza Dough

A recipe to make easy homemade pizza dough. Making your own pizza at home is the best. Don’t get me wrong, we love eating out, but it’s the satisfaction of making your own pizza dough and adding any toppings you fancy and saying …yep, I made that! And doesn’t it look good. Using only 5 ingredients and quick to make. Perfect for a Friday night in! This recipe is great since you can save the extra pizza dough balls for a later date.
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Easy Homemade Pizza Dough
    01 Information
    • Grade easy
    • Serving 6 servings
    • Prep Time 20 Mins
    • Cook Time 60 Mins
    • Total Time 80 Mins
    02 Ingredients
      • 12 oz. cold water
      • 2 oz. olive oil
      • 14 g instant yeast
      • 3/4 tsp. salt
      • 30 oz. white flour
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    03 Method
    • Step 1
      Sift the flour into a mixing bowl then add salt and mix thoroughly. Now add the yeast and mix thoroughly.
    • Step 2
      Put the electric mixer on low speed then start adding the olive oil and cold water. Mix the dough for around 7/8 minutes on the dough hook mixer speed.
    • Step 3
      Sprinkle your kitchen worktop with the flour. When the dough has cleared the sides of the bowl but is still sticking to the bottom and is sticky and stretchy, take it out and place onto a floured worktop.
    • Step 4
      Roll the dough into a long sausage shape. Cut the dough into 6 pieces with a dough scraper (depending on size and the thickness of pizza required).
    • Step 5
      Now roll each dough piece into a ball. The dough is now ready to be used for your pizza. The unused pizza dough balls can be olive oiled then placed into individual freezer bags and kept in the freezer.
    04 Author
    Tracy Tracy
    109 Recipes
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