Mango Dressing PT5M We are having tamales for dinner and I wanted a sweet, but depthy dressing for a salad of lettuce, radishes and creamy avocado and thought mango was the perfect base. Because mangoes can vary so much in sweetness I recommend starting with just a bit of the agave. I used a small champagne mango so you might want to adjust for size as well. 4 servings Ingredients: 1 small bunch chives, finely chopped 1/3 cup fruity olive oil 1/2 small lime 1 tbsp. agave syrup 1 tsp. dijon mustard 1 tbsp. rice vinegar 1 ripe mango

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Mango Dressing

Mango Dressing
We are having tamales for dinner and I wanted a sweet, but depthy dressing for a salad of lettuce, radishes and creamy avocado and thought mango was the perfect base. Because mangoes can vary so much in sweetness I recommend starting with just a bit of the agave. I used a small champagne mango so you might want to adjust for size as well.
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