Homemade Whole-Wheat Pizza Dough PT180M https://img5.recipesrun.com/201907/2019/1029/14/f/643270/300x200x90.jpg Here is a simple recipe for making Homemade Whole Wheat Pizza Dough which you can make in your kitchen. You can use any sauce or vegetable of your choice and grill again to make a delicious Pizza. Making the Whole Wheat Pizza Dough Recipe is very simple. All you need is a good quality yeast and some good quality whole wheat flour. Learning the science of yeast is essential to make any dough to rise. 1 serving Ingredients: 1 tsp. Salt 1 tsp. Honey 2 tsp. Active Dry Yeast 1 tbsp. Extra Virgin Olive Oil 3 cups Whole Wheat Flour

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Homemade Whole-Wheat Pizza Dough

Homemade Whole-Wheat Pizza Dough
Here is a simple recipe for making Homemade Whole Wheat Pizza Dough which you can make in your kitchen. You can use any sauce or vegetable of your choice and grill again to make a delicious Pizza. Making the Whole Wheat Pizza Dough Recipe is very simple. All you need is a good quality yeast and some good quality whole wheat flour. Learning the science of yeast is essential to make any dough to rise.
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