Monster Burgers Recipe
With sharp cheese 'teeth', gherkin 'tongues' and stuffed olive 'eyeballs', these spooky monster burgers are perfect for rustling up for a kids' Halloween party. They're quick and easy and sure to spook! See method!
4 servings
8 olives stuffed with pimientos
2 tbsp. ketchup
4 sliced gherkins (or 1 large gherkin, sliced lengthways into 4)
4 romaine lettuce leaves, halved
2 tbsp. lighter mayonnaise
4 seeded burger buns, halved
4 slices 30% reduced-fat Cheddar
4 beef burgers (from a frozen 8-pack)
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274 / 1162
Monster Burgers Recipe
With sharp cheese 'teeth', gherkin 'tongues' and stuffed olive 'eyeballs', these spooky monster burgers are perfect for rustling up for a kids' Halloween party. They're quick and easy and sure to spook! See method!
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