In fact, zero good reasons why a waffle shouldn’t also hold a layer of Nutella and melty marshmallows. It might seem like overkill to add syrup to this smores waffle escapade, but just enough of a tiny drizzle to make the whole exterior sort of glow and glimmer. That’s normal, right? If the syrup was overkill, at this point finishing with something else feels even more unnecessary, but you guys, toasted coconut will take you on a magic carpet ride to smores waffle heaven.
It’s toasty and golden and crunchy – and all that melty-smooshy yum needs some crunch in the mix. It’s a little more earthy, more mellow, and it sort of nails everything to the ground a little bit, making it entirely possible to eat a full-blown stack of these breakfast bombs. Smores Waffles with Nutella and Toasted Coconut – HELLO LOVER. brunch dreams coming true!
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