Roasted Cauliflower Chicken Pizza PT110M Pizza night is a regular occurrence in the household. People love our pizza. All variations. Especially this roasted cauliflower chicken pizza. If you’re a roasted cauliflower fan like me, you’ll love this pizza, which is loaded with cauliflower and lots of other really good stuff, like roasted chicken, a tangy tomato sauce, cilantro, and red onions. 4 servings Ingredients: Olive oil Fresh cilantro leaves to serve 4 cups Grated cheese 1/4 cup Red onion, roughly chopped 1 Medium cauliflower, chopped into small florets and roasted 2 Roasted chicken breasts, chopped or shredded 1/2 tsp. Salt 1 tsp. Garlic powder 2 tbsp. Apple cider vinegar 1 tsp. Sugar 156 ml Water 156 ml Tomato paste 1 tsp. Sugar 1 tsp. Quick active yeast 1 cup Warm water 1 tsp. Salt 2 cups All purpose flour

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Roasted Cauliflower Chicken Pizza

Roasted Cauliflower Chicken Pizza
Pizza night is a regular occurrence in the household. People love our pizza. All variations. Especially this roasted cauliflower chicken pizza. If you’re a roasted cauliflower fan like me, you’ll love this pizza, which is loaded with cauliflower and lots of other really good stuff, like roasted chicken, a tangy tomato sauce, cilantro, and red onions.
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